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Simplified Building Energy Model or SBEM is the government’s preferred method of energy assessment for non-domestic buildings. It is used to demonstrate compliance with Building Regulations Approved Document L2A by comparing the designed Building Emission Rate (BER) with an SBEM calculated Target Emission Rate (TER).

For new buildings an initial SBEM assessment is carried out at design stage to confirm that specifications such as insulations, heating, lighting and air conditioning systems are suitable. For shell developments a number of assumptions for building services will need to be made and agreed with building control.

When the construction of the building is complete an as built SBEM assessment is produced. This will usually include the result of an air permeability test, buildings less than 500m² may not require a test.

An Energy Performance Certificate is then produced which is lodged with Landmark, the government’s EPC database, and issued by emailed. This will need to be submitted to building control together with the as built SBEM assessment.

sbem assessments, sbem assessments north west, sbem, sbem north west, epc for commercial properties, epc for commercial properties north west, epc, epc north west, energy performance certificates, commercial epc, commercial epc north west, epc for commercial property, epc for commercial property north west, energy assessor, north west, lancashire, lancs, greater manchester, north wales, bridgewater energy ltd, l1 solutions ltd, uk